Healing Heartache in Family Lines: Today Is A New Day!

Have you noticed that there is always a chance for a new beginning?  Our choices can lead us in any direction we choose.  Sometimes the consequences of our choices are not clear at the time decisions are made.  Many times we learn, through sad experience, that we may not be creating the life we truly desire.  We may also feel damaged by the lingering, negative impact of the choices of others.

Family Tree Quest refers to our quest for belonging, for meaning, for making the changes in our own lives that promote our own best good. No one decides that for us. It is up to us to discover it for ourselves.  With that in mind, we acknowledge that we intend to create positive change in THIS generation.  We glean wisdom from the past (rather than stay stuck in victim stories), live mindfully in the present, and prepare confidently for the future.  Also, with that in mind, we acknowledge that our choices in the present effect future generations of our own family tree—that group of  ancestors and descendents to whom we are related.

I invite you to subscribe to my email alerts by clicking the columnist tab and scrolling down to see my name.  Enter your email address and then, you will automatically receive notification of my articles which are intended to edify, uplift and strengthen those whose quest is to find and utilize their own potential to create something good in the world–something of lasting worth, something purposeful. Is it time for YOU to begin your own family tree quest?  Discover your “roots” and strengthen the “branches” of YOUR family tree.  I’m confident that you can do whatever it takes to succeed because, after all, this IS a NEW DAY !

Empowering Action Step

If you seek help and support in maintaining a positive momentum, or need to find a community of people who help each other, heal relationships and grow in spite of challenges, JOIN THE QUEST at www.familytreequest.com.  We are a worldwide movement of people committed to finding specific, time-tested, principle-centered solutions to strengthening self and family in THIS generation.

Carolyn Murphy is founder of www.familytreequest.com and co-founder of www.healingyourfamily.com.  She supports, educates and accelerates powerful, principle-centered growth in individuals as she helps them live beyond their history and “victim stories” as they embrace a fully authentic, empowered life.  Download your FREE 2-generation Family Tree Chart, when you JOIN THE QUEST at www.familytreequest.com.  To participate in the TODAY’s ChangeMaker Moms community, go to www.facebook.com/todayschangemakers.  To get Family History/Family-centered updates, go to www.facebook.com/familytreegal


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