Bringing Americans Back Together - United States - Unity

Bringing Americans Back Together

Why are we waiting for our President to “bring us together?” I hear that all over “It’s the President’s job to bring us together.” Sure, that might be nice but I say it’s OUR job to bring us together! Why do we keep abdicating our emotions, choices, responses, and responsibility to other people, to politicians or the media? Until we start taking personal responsibility for these things we will never be free… regardless of whether we live in a free country or not. Choosing freedom is an inside job which requires personal responsibility.

Some of the most enslaved people live in a country with more freedom, riches and opportunities than people 300 years ago would have ever thought possible. Today we enslave ourselves…. with our limited thinking, divisiveness, victim mentality, entitlement, and inability to forgive and take proactive positive action.

Nobody can unify people who don’t want to be unified.

Wake up America! Own your own stuff!


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Posted in Limiting Beliefs.

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