Because I Said So! Commentary and Opinion from Respected Friends and Family

Because I Said So! Guest Wisdom and Opinions About Freedom, The USA, Morality and Goodness

Wisdom comes from many different sources and opinions. As we write about freedom, the USA, morality, goodness, what’s right, many people offer their wisdom and opinions to us. The “Because I Said So!” category is a place where we provide an outlet for those people to express their views and share them with the world.

Because I Said So Wisdom and Opinions

Perhaps this section should be a disclaimer: “The wisdom and opinions expressed in ‘Because I Said So’ are not from the owners of, BUT they do reflect their values.” This section arose because we kept hearing family and friends make great, comprehensive, insightful thoughts and express important opinions that reflect what we believe and what we think about.

We’re designing this section so that people who have wise opinions will share that wisdom and opinions with us, so we can post it and share it with you!

How Wisdom and Opinions Gets On Because I Said So!

The process of sharing wisdom and opinions with the world, at least from our perspective, is pretty simple. Usually, we get a text, email, instant message or Facebook post from a family member or friend. Their thoughts and words make us say: “WOW! That opinion is WISE!” We then get permission from the wise opinion person to copy that wisdom, edit and format it, add an appropriate photo or link to it, and post it.

For right now, we’re probably going to be posting wisdom and opinions from ourselves, our children and our parents. We imagine the first posts will be about freedom, learned wisdom, family values, the Constitution, morality and politics.

Of course, the person whose original wisdom and opinion it is will be able to edit it and, if needed, remove it from circulation.

Respectful Comments and Opinions

As “Because I Said So” grows, we expect there will be a lot of comments and opinions. We also expect them to be respectful, even if they disagree with us or the original poster’s opinions. In other words, personal attacks are not needed in this forum. We also expect that some commenting people will be asked if we can use their comments in a new, separate post. We expect the readership and the authoring communities to grow organically.

We look forward to sharing this wisdom and opinions with you!

Dave and Marnie

Other Wisdom and Opinions Resources

We both have other websites where we share our personal feelings, opinions and wisdom:

The Constitution, Freedom and Morality:

Nature, observation, living off the grid, rural life:

Our small family-owned farm:

Creativity, creative writing, poetry, life observations:

Business writing, creative retreats, social media (our business website):

Posted in Because I Said So, Morality and tagged , , , , , , , , , .

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