Healing Heartache in Family Lines: Gleaning Wisdom from the Past

In any quest, a person must overcome significant challenges.  Sometimes remembering the past to learn from it may seem painful, yet it is an uplifting perspective to keep as we seek to clear away negative generational patterns. Have you ever had occasion to look back at your life at times when you were the most challenged, in seemingly insurmountable ways, only to find you learned the most about yourself? …

Pain as Our Teacher

Pain only exists as long as it is serving us. Once we have learned what it was teaching us, it can, and will quickly leave.” – JoAnna Ashley of Healing4Bodies.com “Light the World: How Your Brilliance Can Shift the Planet,” p.…

Dance into Your Destiny

Lisa Rae Preston “Look into the beauty of the landscape of His heart! Gaze into His eyes! You will not only see astonishing brilliance of the King, but He’ll reflect back to you your own immense beauty. And you will dance into your destiny.…

Give your Gifts

I was recently invited to speak at a conference on leadership education. I have never done something like this before, and it sounded a little scary, but I knew I had a message worth sharing and I felt a call to answer this invitation, despite my fears.…